Saturday, 30 May 2015

This Week's Happiness List

In the past week, my life has consisted of switching between the library and home. Needless to say, it has not been the most exciting or thrilling of weeks, but alas, to gain a degree at the end of this three year journey I am going to have to study! And study as hard as possible!

This quote seems quite fitting for this time of year when everyone is wrapped up in finals and exams. Everything can get a bit too much, and it does you the world of good to sit down, breathe, and remember that everything will be ok in the end. I have followed this saying since GCSE's and always find it back in my vocabulary come exam time. 

Here are the little things which have made me happy this revision fuelled week:

1. British strawberry season.. I am a HUGE fruit fan, and strawberries are one of my favourites. I even buy them out of season I love them so much. But my oh my, when British strawberry season arrives you know about it. Fresh, juicy, succulent. I am drooling just thinking about them!

2. Planning ahead with batch cooking and being able to whip up a quick and tasty dinner in a flash. The past week I have lived on pre-portioned slow cooked bean chilli and falafel salads, and it has been delightful!

3. Britain's Got Talent semi-finals. There is soooo much talent this year and these shows have been my little brighteners at the end of a library filled day.

4. Listening to the Game of Thrones podcast on my phone. I love the show, and I always go to sleep listening to a podcast and this one is my latest go to. 

5. Discovering new blogs to follow. I adore finding new blogs, and find monthly sponsor posts from the likes of Little Miss Katy & Cider With Rosie super helpful in picking out some new ones for me to follow. This week I have discovered a new found love for travelling twins Two Little Pigs, Londoner Lauren Rellis, fellow prosecco lover The Prosecco Diaries and hybrid English-kiwi Jasmin Charlotte.

(Any bloggers out there, leave a comment with a link to your blogs, I am always on the look out for more to follow!) 



  1. What's the name of the podcast

    1. I use the app podcast addict and the podcast is called 'Game of Thrones the podcast'

  2. Yep, exam season really can be hard but it's true that usually it all works out fine. It's so easy to let it get on top of you! I will have to make sure I pick up some strawberries on my next shop, I didn't even think about them being in season :)

    Emma xx

    1. Emma, they are so much sweeter and succulent now they are in season :) Heavenly, and right in time for a post-exam pimms!

  3. Just stumbled across your blog today and so glad I did! Really, really love what you've created here. Also love that this is a weekly post, I literally just blogged today on how it's the little things in life that bring us happiness! Very excited to keep updated with you! :)

