Saturday, 30 May 2015

This Week's Happiness List

In the past week, my life has consisted of switching between the library and home. Needless to say, it has not been the most exciting or thrilling of weeks, but alas, to gain a degree at the end of this three year journey I am going to have to study! And study as hard as possible!

Sunday, 24 May 2015

This Week's Happiness List

The past week has been a mixed bag for me. I had a wonderfully busy weekend and then I travelled to James' on Monday to spend the week at his revising whilst he was at work. My exams begin on Tuesday, so I am spending my days in the library, so thought a change of scenery would help! I arrived back in Liverpool on Thursday to glorious sunshine, ready to tackle my exams and finish off my degree!

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Healthy Chocolate Truffles

"Happiness unexpected piece of chocolate" quote via

Chocolate is one of life's greatest and simplest little pleasures. Personally, I am a dark chocolate fan. I love the bitter taste and how it just melts in your mouth. Divine. 

When I saw this recipe  on Pinterest I was more than a little intrigued. I've always fancied making my own truffles, and these are the easiest to make ever. As an added bonus, they are made with minimal ingredients, and by using fat-free greek yoghurt they are a great healthier alternative to a traditional box of chocolates! 

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Carrot Cake Energy Bites

It has been an age since I last posted a recipe, and I thought it was high time I posted another. I decided to adapt a recipe I had pinned a few weeks back, clean eating carrot cake bites. My no bake snicker energy bites have become one of my favourite things to make, and they always receive rave reviews, so making a variation of these energy bites was a no brainer. 

These are perfect to make to power you through a library session, the afternoon munchies and as a post workout energy boost. 

To make a batch of carrot cake energy bites you will need:

- 1 cup oats
- 1/2 cup grated carrot
- 1/4 cup raisins
- 1/4 flaked almonds
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp nutmeg
- 1/3 cup of smooth peanut butter 
- 1/4 cup honey

Monday, 18 May 2015

Liverpool Bucket List: Moon & Pea

*The above two pictures are taken from the Moon & Pea website

At the beginning of the year, Emma and I sat down and wrote a list of places we wanted to visit before we left Liverpool in the summer. Unbelievably, we only have a few weeks left in this wonderful city, and still quite a few places to tick off. 

After much deliberation, we decided to finally pay a visit to the Moon & Pea on Lark Lane as our next stop on our Liverpool bucket list.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

This Week's Happiness List

I just love this image. I currently have it as my phone background so that every time I glance at my phone (probably too often!) I get reminded of this lovely little message. This week the weather has been typically British spring time weather, raining one minute and sunny the next. I only have a few weeks left in Liverpool, so am trying to enjoy every moment and savour all the little things, which is helping towards my goal of being happier!

1. Once Upon A Time on Netflix. Probably THE worst time for me to get addicted to a TV series, but I find watching an episode at night lets me relax and forget about my worries for exams. I had seen a lot of people blogging/talking about this series, and thought I would give it a go. Needless to say, I am hooked. Fantasy and fairy tales are just my thing.

2. Laughing at funny videos online. I love watching something someone has shared on facebook/twitter and genuinely laughing out loud. This week I have been giggling at Hugo age 2 #thuglife, this baby trying avocado for the first time and basically anything posted by Doug the pug. If you need cheering up, I highly recommend a watch of any of these.

3. Bagging myself another New Look bargain, a new pair of trousers which were a steal in the sale. They are super comfy and will come in handy for work come September!

4. A meal out with my friends on Friday night. I joined a group of my uni friends for a meal at Salt House Bacaro for small plate, drinks and laughs, and it was an absolute delight. The food was beyond amazing, and the company even better!

5. Drinks with my house mates. We headed to concert square for a few drinks to celebrate the end of uni for Jess and Emily as they will be leaving Liverpool in the next few days. I cannot believe how fast the year has gone!


Saturday, 9 May 2015

This Week's Happiness List

The past week has been a bit of a strange one for me. After weeks of slaving away on University assignments, this week has been a little quiet in terms of studying. It feels a little like the calm before the storm of finals. I am taking a bit of time to get geared up for a few weeks of hard core revising and studying as much as possible so I can finish my time at University doing as well as possible. For now, here are the things which made me happy this past week.

1. A good old catch up with one of my oldest and closest friends, Beth, on bank holiday Monday. We met at Leaf on Bold Street as Beth was up visiting her sister for the weekend. I love those moments with friends you haven't seen for ages when you have so much to chat about & catch up on. 

2. Booking my first holiday of the summer! Bex and I booked our flights to go to Ljubljana in June, and I am beyond excited to visit somewhere new. I have been reading up on places to visit in what has been termed the most underrated city in Europe!

3. Voting for the first time on Thursday. It was the UK general election on Thursday, and the first time I have been eligible to cast my vote at such a big event. It really made me stop and think about how lucky we are to live in a democracy in which we have a say in what happens to our country, something which so many people around the world miss out on. 

4. Getting a blow dry in preparation for the AU awards night on Friday. I now love going to the hairdressers, something which I never thought I would say, mainly for the head massage they give you when washing your hair!

5. AU awards night on Friday night at the Adelphi. It was a bitter sweet night, a lovely chance to spend the evening with some of my closest friends, but also it signalled the end of an era as the last official event in the sporting year, and the last event I will attend as a member of the Liverpool Foxes Cheerleading club. 


Monday, 4 May 2015

Date Night at The Quarter

Liverpool really is an amazing place to be right now. 

There are so many fantastic independent eateries, bars and projects going on around the city,and there seems to be a real buzz in the air.

Bold Street thus far has been my favourite place to go to get a real taste of this side of Liverpool. Recently however, I have been trying to branch out and experience some other independents which the city has to offer. Nestled between the Philharmonic and the Anglican Cathedral is The Quarter on Falkner Street, a deli and restaurant which is a real hidden gem. 

It is glorious. 

*I take no credit for the above picture. I got it from the Quarters facebook page

This Week's Happiness List

I am now fully settled back into life at University, and the weeks seem to be flying by. It is only a month until I finish my finals and just over that till I leave Liverpool for good. This is a very scary thought, but exciting too as it means the start of a new chapter! So, before I get carried away talking about the future, here are the things which kept me happy in the here and now:

1. Cheer awards meal at PanAm. On Monday night, myself and 80 or so cheerleaders headed to Albert Docks to celebrate the end of the cheer year with an awards night and meal at PanAm restaurant. It was a wonderful night, and I can't believe after three years being on the team it is all over!

2. New shoes from New Look. I picked up a lovely pair of pastel heels to wear to the previously mentioned awards night, and using my student discount meant they were pretty cheap too! New Look shoes are the comfiest heels EVERRRR. I must thank Little Miss Katy for her recommendation!

3. Starting to plan some trips away this summer. The excitement is starting to build up now.

4. Using turnitin for the final time! I handed in my last essay for my course on Friday, meaning the only thing standing between me and a degree is one presentation and final exams.

5. A weekend with James. James came to visit me for the weekend and we had a lovely weekend which topped off a fortnight of slaving away at my assignments.


Friday, 1 May 2015

May Wish List

If May were an emotion, I think it would happy anticipation. It signifies the drawing nearer and nearer of Summer, of bbq's outdoors, of beach days and eating ice creams on long walks. For many, it is also a time of immense pressure and stress as exams loom. To keep a happy heart and not delve too deeply into finals woes, I have written a wish list for what I am lusting for this month.