Friday, 9 January 2015

A Rosie Outlook for 2015

To keep up with a new tradition of mine, I have decided to write another outlook post in the wake of the new year.

Last years post of (almost) the same name has been one of my most popular to date, and therefore I thought it wise to cast my mind to writing about some mottos which I wish to follow in 2015, all to help me become a healthier, happier and more fulfilled person!

First things first, a recap of 2014.

Looking back on last years outlook post, I believe I have managed to keep up with the mottos I set for the majority of the time. Despite a few knocks a long the way, I've had a wonderful year. From travelling around Europe with my boyfriend, sister and her better half, to entering my final year at University, it has been a busy and hectic year. 

2015 is set to be one of the biggest of my life so far. In summer I will graduate from University and be thrust into the 'real world', of (hopefully) a full-time, real adult job! A scary thought.

So, time to review some mottos which I can live my life by in 2015, and which I hope will help me achieve the things I want to and bring me happiness throughout the year.

(1) Do what needs to be done.

I came across this phrase in my favourite new book, The Happiness Project. This is the book which inspired me to start my happiness project posts, of which I will get back to soon after a festive break! 
The words, simple and to the point, leaped out of the page. Sometimes decision making is tricky. Trying to decide what is the best/right/correct thing to do can be overwhelming. By simply acknowledging that I need to do what needs to be done, half of the work has been done for me, the decision has been made easier. Hopefully this will help to boost my productivity in the coming year.

(2) The secret to getting ahead is getting started.

So often I get myself in to a frenzy worrying about all the work I have piling up, all of the daunting tasks which I must conquer seem to be never ending. By applying this simple phrase of getting started and being prepared. I hope to feel less daunted by impending exams and coursework, job applications and all the other admin of day to day life.

(3) Be someone you want to be around.

This doesn't require being constantly happy, chatty and full of life. It requires being kind, compassionate and respectful. I realise that over the past year there have been times when I have been difficult to be around.
We all have bad days. Days we want to curl up and be left alone. In my recent experience, I have realised that by surrounding my self with people that make me feel calm, confident and comfortable I can bring myself out of these moods and be able to enjoy my days, even when things may be getting a little too much.
This year I want to give back to those who have spent the past year or so putting up with me, through the good and the bad. I want to take a leaf out of my family and friends book and get back to being the cheery and loving person I always strive to be. 

Here is to a year of becoming the best person I can be, being someone who my family and friends can be proud of, a fully fledged, tax paying (snore) adult!




  1. I am so proud of you my gorgeous niece. You have and will continue to achieve so much in your life. Xxx

    1. thanks DD. Sending you lots of love and see you at Easter for an Easter baking session!

  2. i love that book! good luck with everything :)

    xx danielle // shades of danielle // bloglovin

    1. It's a wonderful book isn't it Danielle?
      I am trying to read a bit everyday but with exams I am struggling!


  3. I love this post! What a great few things to set as your motto and strive towards this year :) I have been meaning to get my hands on a copy of the Happiness Project ever since my fiance's sister told me about it. It sounds wonderful - I must put it on the reading list ASAP!

    Carly xx

    1. Thanks for the lovely comments Carly. It is a must read, fantastically written and very funny. A real joy to read! Hope you are having a good January so far!

  4. looks like you had a great year, good luck in 2015!

    xx danielle // shades of danielle // bloglovin
