Tuesday, 4 June 2013
End of freshers blues
The sweet taste of freedom- it tastes a lot like cocktails.
The last few weeks of term are always tricky. As a student you are constantly pushed for time, trying to cram as much revision in as possible, that you start to forget how quickly the end of term is coming, and once exams finish it really bites you on the (metaphorical) bum.
My absence from blogging has been due to a combination of revising and panicking. I have never been good with nerves, I am such a worrier and find it terribly difficult to sleep while stressed. As always, my mum was there to offer me sound advice, telling me to keep calm, stay focused but remember, 'it's only first year'. I started to feel relieved thinking of '40%' and so relaxed, if only slightly. My other stress busters were exercise, and my wonderful friends.

Just what I needed for a revision break was a trip to the
Font bar in Liverpool. My friend Ellen was leaving halls a few weeks
before everyone else, so she organised a little trip to say a fond
farewell. The bar was packed so we played mario kart until we could get a
table big enough for us all to squeeze on to. I am told the burgers in
the font are fantastic, particularly the ones with halloumi in. I
personally went for a salad, the stilton (home town glory) and bacon
salad which has come to be my 'usual' when visiting the Font. The
chutney is just divine, and I infamously quoted 'this is the best salad I
have ever had', which was a point of humor for the boys munching down
on burgers and curly fries.
'The best salad I have ever had' -Rosie McKay
However, it isn't the salads which make The Font a renowned establishment for Liverpool students, it's the cheap as chips cocktail menu. The famous '£2' cocktails are within any students budget, and are absolutely delightful, especially when exam revision has prevented you from nights out for so long! My favourites are either the milkshake style Irish monkey, which serves just as well as a cheeky desert, or the classic mojito. I always love a mojito, and being able to choose between different fruity flavours makes it extra special.
All in all it was a great night, and a great revision break before the final push for exams. They are now over and I have several post-exam celebration blogs coming up in the next few days. So remember, to keep calm you must sleep as much as possible, exercise regularly and have some fun with your friends (maybe a cocktail too)
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