Friday, 3 May 2013

Looks good enough to eat

Looks good enough to eat!

Spring cleaning, for your face

Freshers are renowned for their intense drinking and corresponding unhealthy life style. As much fun as it is to get merry and dance the night away one too many times a week, the consequences for our bodies are hard to ignore. My flat mates and I had noticed a poor deterioration in the condition of our skin, and as we mutually cried out for a skin saviour, I thought some tasty antioxidants were just what we needed! We decided to try some blemish busting smoothies and home-made face masks to get our skin back on track. After scouring the internet and finding several colourful but expensive sounding smoothies, we settled on adapting some simpler, and of course cheaper, recipes to fit in with our tightening bank balances.

Spring clean step 1.

Home-made face masks:

These weren’t the prettiest when applied to your face, but smelt (and tasted) amazing. The ingredients are simply 4 strawberries, a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of lemon juice (fresh is best) and a tablespoon of brown sugar (great for exfoliating). Now mash it all together with a blender and stick it in the fridge to set for a bit. Apply with your fingers and allow your skin to soak up the goodness for about 15 minutes.

Spring clean step 2.

Skin perfecting smoothies:

Now as much fun as putting tasty goo on your face is, most of us will agree eating tasty goo is much, much better. The following recipes are adapted from those I found online, and both promised to brighten skin from the inside out.

The Very Berry Smoothie

Add 4 small strawberries, ½ a chopped banana, 2 spoonfuls of frozen blueberries and ½ a cup of milk (or low fat natural yoghurt) together and blend away into a smooth and pourable consistency. Enjoy straight from the blender, adding crushed ice if you like it extra cold.

Coco Banana Freeze

This is such a treat, especially for us chocoholics, and with plenty of delicious proteins and healthy fats it will give your skin back its glow (hopefully). As before combine 2 chopped & frozen bananas, 1 cup of low fat (or soy/almond alternative) milk, a teaspoon of almond extract and a tablespoon of cocoa and blend! If you don’t like the taste of almond, try vanilla extract for a softer tone.

After a beautiful afternoon sampling smoothies and giggling over face masks, my friends and I felt much better, even our skin glowed a little brighter. I’m going to leave you with a few of my own tips on how to make your skin glow post-night out.

1.       Down it fresher- You may have heard these words all too often the night before, but drinking plenty of water throughout the day keeps you and your skin hydrated and helps fight off dull skin. If you hate the stuff, try flavoured water or a sugar-free squash.

2.       Pass out- Get as much sleep as you can, try and keep a regulated sleeping pattern and avoid napping in the day. It makes you groggy and can prevent you from sleeping when you need to!

3.       Break a sweat- Exercising doesn’t just help you tone up and get in shape. The endorphins produced will make you feel great, help you sleep at night and in the long run improve your natural brightness. Don’t believe me? You only need to look at the Olympians to see their skin is as glowing as their medal collection.

So here is to a brighter future for our skin!

