Monday, 30 March 2015
A Weekend at Home
After celebrating Emma and Ellen's birthdays on Friday night, I hopped on the train back home for the night. My flying visit home was in honour of celebrating my Grandparents golden wedding anniversary on Sunday. I admire them both for making it to 50 years of marriage, it really is a feat!
Before the celebrations began on Sunday, my Mum organised a 'safari supper' at home. The concept is simple, each couple prepares a course, but it must be kept top secret until the food is served. You then score each other and the winner is crowned at the end!
Naturally, we started with champagne and olives.
Sunday, 29 March 2015
This Weeks Happiness List
It is officially spring time. The clocks have gone forwards and this evening at 7pm it was still light outside! University has ended for the Easter break and I have officially booked my graduation in July which is a very scary thought. Here are the things which have made me happy this week-
Saturday, 21 March 2015
This Weeks Happiness List
The past week has mainly consisted of me sitting in the library trying desperately to get my thoughts to form a decent enough argument for my Philosophy essay. After handing it in Thursday evening, I felt that oh so brilliant sense of relief. I now only have 2 more coursework assessments to go before the revision starts for finals, scary stuff! I am spending the weekend at home, which always makes for a good time. In fact, I am currently sat watching the rugby with James by my side getting frustrated with England's performance so far!
Tuesday, 17 March 2015
A Taste of Italy- Chilli Prawn Pasta*
* This is a collaborative 'Kale recipe' post with Florette *
Chilli Prawn Pasta is the perfect mid-week meal.
It is cheap, simple and packs a lot of flavour in very few ingredients, light on your tummy and your purse. I adapted this recipe from a delicious magazine one which is a tried and tested favourite of mine.
Sunday, 15 March 2015
Liverpool Bucket List
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Unbelievably, my University journey is nearing the end. It seems like two minutes ago that I was first touring the Liverpool campus and soaking up the Scouse culture, deciding that this was the place I wanted to spend my undergraduate career.
This week marked the beginning of the end. Our graduation dates have been announced, and I am currently studying for my final semester of my BA. Time flies when you're having fun!
Over the past few weeks, Emma and I have been jotting down the places we want to visit before we leave the city. Despite living here for almost three years, there are still so many places I haven't yet experienced. We decided to make an official 'bucket list' of these places, and promised to tick them all off by the end of the semester.
Saturday, 14 March 2015
This Weeks Happiness List
Happy Saturday everyone!
This week began sunny as I set off back to Liverpool from a weekend at James'. Unfortunately, the spring sunshine has not lasted, and we have been experiencing a lot of rain up in the North West. Alas, spring is on hold for a while, but still the temperature is warming up slightly, I even went out without a coat on the other day. Granted, I was wearing a lot of layers but still!
Here are 5 things which have boosted my happiness this week-
Saturday, 7 March 2015
This Weeks Happiness List
Spring has finally sprung!
With March has come sunny and longer days. Although the wind has still been blowing furiously in Liverpool, the days are getting longer, and my walks home in the evening are now made a little brighter. Bring on the Summer!
Sunday, 1 March 2015
March Wish List

March means one thing. Spring is firmly on its way!
Admittedly, it did not quite feel that way this morning as I battled the wind on my walk to the library. However, I remain optimistic that the next few weeks we will see the sun shine more, the days get longer and the temperature just a little warmer (crossing my fingers for that last one!).
I have decided to start doing a monthly round up of things I am looking forward to in the next month. Rather than doing the list at the end, I thought it would be fun to look ahead at what I'm lusting for in the coming few weeks.
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